Thursday, October 24, 2013

The Octopus and The Geisha

Plaid - 35 Summers

This isn't heavily animation related (though it does feature it), but I found it incredibly inspiring.
This is a music video featuring a geisha and an octopus. The beautiful imagery alone is a good enough reason to watch this.

The octopus is completely CGI. An article on CGSociety tells the story of Edward Dawson Taylor, the main person behind the creating and rigging of the octopus. It's worth reading. The backstory I found very interesting, though the article itself doesn't go into the details of the rigging or anything of course.

Click here for the CGSociety article.

A little sidenote on the creators of the song: Plaid also made the soundtrack for the movie Tekkon Kinkreet, which if you haven't already seen it, is also a must watch!

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